Freitas (de), Marcilio. The deadlocks of the Western culture and the Amazon region. Electronic Journal of Sociology (2007)

3 septembre 2007 0 Par Marcilio De Freitas

Marcılio de Freitas: Centro de Estudos Superiores do Tro´pico U´ mido da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Amazonas, Brasil

This article presents the tendencies of the socio-economic scenarios, which are projected for the future of humanity. The current deadlocks, which guide the present political processes, and which have the ecological sustainability paradigm as foundation, are emphasized. The controversies and uncertainties of the 21st. century, concerning the scientific processes and the educational policies on a worldwide scale, are, also, dealt with. Special attention is given to the current “armamentist wave” of the rich countries and to the ecological issue that permeates the economic and scientific mega-processes in a regional and planetary scale. Finally, several pictures illustrating the fast ecological depreciation of the planet and the accelerated process of pauperization of the peoples in the underdeveloped countries, unfolding itself into a growing asymmetrical and deformed economic globalization process are exposed.

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