Freitas (de), Marcilio. Amazonia: the nature of the problems and the problems of the nature. International Review of Sociology, Revue Internationale de Sociologie, vol. 13, N. 1, march 2003, pp.183-198

3 mars 2003 0 Par Marcilio De Freitas

Marcílio de Freitas, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Depto. de Física, Campus Univ., Aleixo, CEP: 69077-000; Manaus, AM, Brasil.

In this article are made theoretical explorations about the modern world environmental conception and it is presented a program of perspectives of dialectics understandings of amazon contexts, basing in ‘nature x culture’ confrontation. Special attention is dedicated to the exhibition of the theoretical and empiric elements of the systematized knowledge that contributed to the current world social configuration. We also presented a study on the nature of the problems and the problems of the nature that connect the Amazonia with the world political, economic and scientific processes in course. Special emphasis is dedicated to the unmasking of various articulations that connect the Amazonia with the processes of globalization and mondialisation. The current world social indicators are also shown while unfolding of the process of hegemony of western civilization. It is shown the insert of Amazonia in the political processes in course in the contemporary world and the projection of several environmental sceneries from the Amazonia with regional and global impacts. It is made an exploratory study that emphasizes the relevance of the amazon ecosystems in the mechanics, chemistry, thermodynamics and world climatic stabilities, and the incommensurable intrinsic wealth to the wisdom of its native people and the biodiversity built by the same ones. In that theoretical study its are prioritized the fundamental elements that anchor the incorporation of Amazonia to the transnational economic megaprojects in course, reinforcing its necessary insert in the global geopolitics.

Keywords: Amazonia-World; Multilateral institutions-world processes; Amazonia-globalization and mondialisation processes; world social indicators-environmental subject; complexity and diversity; nature science and political sciences; greenhouse gases

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